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Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each

SKU: ORN23-35
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Price: $9.00
  • Quantity:
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament - 10 pcs @ $.90; 60 pcs @ $.81 each
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Product Details
Wholesale Painted Oyster Shell Pirate ornament.  These ornaments are hand crafted and measure approximately 2-1/2 to 3 inches long (not counting the hanger). Seashell ornaments are popular with collectors and shell ornaments sell year-round, are easy to transport, and are an inexpensive gift your customers can give to co-workers, neighbors, family, and friends. Whether you have a beach shops, Christmas shop or  souvenir and gift shop our shell ornaments will be an item you cannot be without.