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4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each

4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
Price: $37.50
  • Quantity:
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
4" - 4-1/2" Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata abalone shell for sale - 25 pcs @ $1.50 each; 100 pcs @ $1.35 each
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Product Details

Wholesale Green Haliotis laevigata, common name the smooth Australian abalone or greenlip abalone or whitened ear shell measuring approximately 4 inch up to 4-1/2 inch.  This large, rather thin shell has an oval shape with the right and left margins about equally curved.  Abalone can be used in making buttons, and as inlay in furniture, knife handles, and in musical instruments such as guitars, etc.  The abalone shell is also sold for seashell decorating and used in shell crafts and making inlaid knife handles, tables and jewelry.  The abalone is harvest for its shell and edible foot from the ocean and from commercial farms that specialize in growing abalones.  

We only sell commercial grade abalone in bulk.  You will receive some shells with chipped edges, blemishes and other natural imperfections

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