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Abalone Shells Wholesale

Abalone Shells Wholesale
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Shop our extensive inventory of Wholesale Abalone Shells sold in Bulk.  They are of the Haliotidae family of shells.  Buy Green Abalone shells which are used as sage smudge bowls and measure from 2 inches to 8 inches long and Pink Abalone Shells Wholesale, Haliotis Corrugata, from 2 inches up to 6-1/2 inches long.  We also stock Pink Abalone Shells Wholesale.  They have a highly corrugated shell and are also referred to as The Corrugated Abalone. The rough outer lay of the Pink Abalone Shells has been polished, exposing beautiful  greens, silver and undertones of blues.  The highly irridescent inner layer of the shell of the abalone has traditionally been used as a decorative item in jewelry, buttons, and as inlay in furniture and in musical instruments such as guitars, etc.  The shell is also polished and sold for seashell decorating and is used in shell crafts, making knife handles, jewelry and inlaid tables.

All of our abalone are nice commercial grade quality - NOT museum quality. They are real. The backs will have cuts, scrapes, holes, scars and blemishes.  Some of the edges may be chipped.  The interiors are beautiful shades of greens, blues and silver with black accents. Some have a clear glaze.

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