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Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each

Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:
Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each
Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each
Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each
Wholesale Pearlized Trochus Shells or top shells 1-1/4"-1-3/4" - 100 pcs @ .20 each; 500 pcs @ $.18 each
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Product Details
Wholesale pearlized trochus seashells, Trochus niloticus, or top shells - trochidae, measure from 1-1/4 inches up to 1-3/4 inches in size.  Pearlized trochus shells are used in seashell wedding decorations, in seashell baskets, on shell mirrors, wreaths and in seashell art and in coastal home decorating.